My office is located at 47 Greensboro Highway Suite 3 in Watkinsville, Georgia.
To reach the office from East Athens, you can follow Barnett Shoals to Whitehall Road. Follow into Oconee County, where the road becomes Simonton Bridge Road, and into Watkinsville. Turn left on Main Street/Greensboro Hwy. My office is located approximately 0.1 mile on the right in the State Farm building.
You can also follow 441 South until you reach the Watkinsville exit. Turn right onto Hwy 53 for approximately 1.5 miles. Turn right onto Main Street and follow approximately 1 mile. My office is located on the right in the State Farm building.
From the Lawrenceville/Atlanta area, you can follow Hwy 316 to the Oconee Connector. Turn left onto the Oconee Connector and follow until you reach Main Street (approximately 8 miles). Turn right onto Main Street. My office is located approximately one mile on the right in the State Farm Building.
Alternatively, you can turn right onto Hwy 53/Hog Mountain Road from 316 and follow into Watkinsville (taking the right turn at the Publix shopping center to remain on 53). Turn right onto Main Street, and my office is located 1 mile on the right.